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Custom Tarot Cards

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Add your designs, artwork or photos to a personalized set of custom tarot cards. Our custom tarot cards, divination cards or spirituality card decks are printed on luxurious 350 GSM card stock with front and back printing. Choose a deck size from 1-100 cards and create something spectacular. We can print any custom tarot cards sizing or custom packaging to your requirements.

This product is available by custom order only. Please fill out the form to receive a quote.

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Finest Quality

Custom Tarot Cards Printing

If you’re a tarot card or oracle card aficionado, you’ll want to check our Custom Tarot Cards. For example, you can design your own custom-printed top-quality accessories and packaging for your cards, instructions, or books. Use our graphics templates to create your own unique tarot or oracle cards. In addition, we have a full-service, graphic design team ready to help you create an oustanding product for your business.


Poker, Tarot and Custom sizes.

Wide range of custom cardstock materials.

3.5″ x 2.5″ (Poker) / 2.75″ x 4.75″ (Tarot)

Worldwide Shipping

Finest Quality

Our unique, bespoke modern business cards are made using the finest metals & alloys machined & crafted at our facility in New York.

Worldwide Delivery

We ship with UPS to any destination in the world offering piece of mind with guaranteed day-definite shipping.

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Shop with piece of mind. This site is secured with 2048 bit SSL encryption & our payments are powered by Stripe.

Expert Team

Got a question? Chat live with one of our expert team who can help guide you through our entire print process.

Design Templates

Save time with your designs by using our free printing template. Each template is a blank file, setup with the exact bleeds and margins, assuring your project turns out precisely accurate. Head on over to our Template Repository to download your template now.

Adobe Creative Suite Icons | Luxury Printing

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Discover more about our Custom Tarot Cards

There are 78 cards in the standard tarot card deck, each with unique artwork, symbolism, and narrative. The 56 Minor Arcana cards symbolize the struggles people face on a daily basis, while the 22 Major Arcana cards represent the karmic and spiritual teachings people learn in life.

There are 16 Tarot Court Cards in the Minor Arcana, which correspond to the 16 various personality traits we may choose to display at any particular moment. The Minor Arcana likewise consists of 40 numbered cards, divided into 4 suits of 10 cards each, symbolizing diverse daily circumstances. The significance of each individual Tarot card in the deck is different. Knowing the meanings of the Tarot cards can help you decipher the thoughts and suggestions they are attempting to convey to you.

Why are tarot cards popular?

The Tarot is our life’s narrative, a window into a soul, and a key to inner knowing. The seventy-eight Tarot cards include every spiritual lesson each person may encounter during their lives. Additionally, the Tarot will reveal to us the precise teachings everyone must study and master in order to lead an inspired life. It’s similar to looking in a mirror so you can see your own reflection and reach your subconscious. Tarot cards provide a way to access the knowledge and solutions we all possess.

How Do Tarot Cards Work?

Tarot is ideal for self-improvement, decision-making, manifesting goals, coaching others, business planning, book authoring, meditation, and just about everything else.

Why create custom tarot cards?

A great impression is always found when people see a unique and inspiring card deck. Why not think outside the box a little and design your own custom tarot cards? If you don’t have something, you find a method to get it or make it. After all, individuals have been creating their own Tarot cards for centuries, and all of those readily accessible commercial decks must have originated from someone’s previous ideas.

Luxury Printing has over 20 years experience printing Tarot cards and gaming cards. Even entirely blank cards that have already been cut and sized for you are available for purchase. You can then design your own artwork to place on them. Alternatively, you can work with our talented graphic design team to design the perfect Tarot deck for your needs. The act of creating itself is wonderful and may be a tool for fostering spiritual development. You may simply include any hobbies or talents you have into your artwork if you have them.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that photographs on the Internet are often copyrighted. As a result, although you may be able to use them for personal purposes, you would not be able to sell or duplicate them for commercial purposes. If you are unsure if a picture may be lawfully copied for your own use, you should contact the website’s owner. There are a lot of websites where users have posted their own Tarot drawings that are freely used by everyone.

Knitting needles might be used to represent swords, balls of yarn could be used to represent pentacles, etc., if you’re a knitter. The significance of various gemstones might be used to make a deck by someone with a penchant for crystals. Perhaps you’d want to design a deck of cards using the drawings your kids made in class, or you could use still images from your favorite TV show. Some individuals have made decks that they feel fill a need in conventional Tarot iconography, such as a lack of gender and ethnic diversity, or one that directly addresses your intuitive requirements as the reader. The sky is the limit!